Thursday, September 3, 2015


Welcome to my Sewing Blog! This isn't my first blog, but I haven't updated my knitting blog in quite a while (three years!). I'm still knitting a bit, but sewing a bit more, so I've started a sewing blog. There will probably be some growing pains as I try and figure out Blogger again. If you are interested in checking out some of my old stuff (knitting, weaving, a bit of sewing), feel free to hop over to Alianne's Blog and see. If you dig around, you'll find quite a few knitted shawls and socks, some woven scarves and towels, and a little sewing. I will be posting some of my current knitting as well as sewing, but as I sew and knit mostly clothing (and weave a lot of scarves), they do sort of go together.

I hope to start really posting next week, complete with pictures, but until then, a little about my sewing and crafting history. I am a lifelong crafter. You name it, I have probably tried it at some point. My current loves are all fiber related: knitting, weaving, spinning, and sewing. Someday, I'd like to spin fiber to weave into a fabric and sew something spectacular.

Specifically to this blog, sewing: I learned to sew when I was about 8, a bit over 3 decades ago, on my grandmother's sturdy Singer. This was one of the big ones that required a sewing cabinet, not one of the portable ones. She sewed most of her life, both in factories and at home. She used to sew me the fanciest Easter dresses. And she taught me to sew Barbie clothes.

My grandma was a very talented sewer, but I am a very detail-oriented person. I have to know why you do certain things, and I used to drive my grandmother crazy because she would tell me to do things a certain way, but couldn't really tell me why it was supposed to be done that way. When I was in high school, I made a skirt with her help. I kept asking her why you lay the pattern this way on the selvedge. She couldn't tell me why, that laying it on the grain in a certain way made it hang a certain way; that's just the way it was done. It ended up being a lovely wrap skirt (I still have it), and was done perfectly, but I went away from the project without any more real knowledge. I picked up sewing here and there, but it never really stuck until recent years.

Recently, I've really made an effort to hone my skills. I've learned quite a bit from books, blogs, and experimentation. I've taken a couple of sloper-drafting courses from Burda Academy with great success. I hope to share some advice I've learned along the way.

Next week I hope to get pictures up of a lovely fedora I made. I am also getting in some new brown twill fabric which I hope will make a nice pair of pants to match the lovely Forest Path Stole I'm knitting in a nice lovely forest green. (For the record, green and brown are not my usual colors; I'm trying to expand my palette; you'll probably figure out my favorite colors after a while on this blog or digging around on the old one.) The shawl is nearly done and will look beautiful with a brown pair of pants and cream shirt. Just in time for fall.

I'll leave you with this:

Sewing Advice #1
Category: Supplies

Scissors: Have at least two pair with different colored handles in your crafting area. One is for paper; the other is for fabric. If you're lousy with colors, then take a Sharpie and write "FABRIC" on the handles of one and "PAPER" on the other. I actually only have one ugly orange-handled pair that I use for paper and several fabric shears in different colors. Make others fear to use your scissors without explicit permission; they will use your fabric scissors on paper, even if "FABRIC ONLY" is clearly written on them. (If you yell at them a few times for this sin, they will be scared to touch any scissors that do not belong to them without asking first. At least in my experience; yours may differ.)